Machine Learning Papers: Automated Machine Learning

Automatic Machine Learning by Pipeline Synthesis using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning and a Grammar - Drori et al 2019

Automatic machine learning is an important problem in the forefront of machine learning. The strongest AutoML systems are based on neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and Bayesian optimization. Recently AlphaD3M reached state-of-the-art results with an order of magnitude speedup using reinforcement learning with self-play. In this work we extend AlphaD3M by using a pipeline grammar and a pre-trained model which generalizes from many different datasets and similar tasks. Our results demonstrate improved performance compared with our earlier work and existing methods on AutoML benchmark datasets for classification and regression tasks. In the spirit of reproducible research we make our data, models, and code publicly available.

Auto-Keras: An Efficient Neural Architecture Search System - Jin et al 2019

Neural architecture search (NAS) has been proposed to automatically tune deep neural networks, but existing search algorithms, e.g., NASNet, PNAS, usually suffer from expensive computational cost. Network morphism, which keeps the functionality of a neural network while changing its neural architecture, could be helpful for NAS by enabling more efficient training during the search. In this paper, we propose a novel framework enabling Bayesian optimization to guide the network morphism for efficient neural architecture search. The framework develops a neural network kernel and a tree-structured acquisition function optimization algorithm to efficiently explores the search space. Intensive experiments on real-world benchmark datasets have been done to demonstrate the superior performance of the developed framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we build an open-source AutoML system based on our method, namely Auto-Keras. The system runs in parallel on CPU and GPU, with an adaptive search strategy for different GPU memory limits.

Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges - Hutter et al 2019

This open access book presents the first comprehensive overview of general methods in Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), collects descriptions of existing systems based on these methods, and discusses the first series of international challenges of AutoML systems. The recent success of commercial ML applications and the rapid growth of the field has created a high demand for off-the-shelf ML methods that can be used easily and without expert knowledge. However, many of the recent machine learning successes crucially rely on human experts, who manually select appropriate ML architectures (deep learning architectures or more traditional ML workflows) and their hyperparameters. To overcome this problem, the field of AutoML targets a progressive automation of machine learning, based on principles from optimization and machine learning itself. This book serves as a point of entry into this quickly-developing field for researchers and advanced students alike, as well as providing a reference for practitioners aiming to use AutoML in their work.

Neural Architecture Search: A Survey - Elsken et al 2019

Deep Learning has enabled remarkable progress over the last years on a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and machine translation. One crucial aspect for this progress are novel neural architectures. Currently employed architectures have mostly been developed manually by human experts, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Because of this, there is growing interest in automated neural architecture search methods. We provide an overview of existing work in this field of research and categorize them according to three dimensions: search space, search strategy, and performance estimation strategy.